Encountering Jesus - Making Disciples - Transforming Communities
Our desire here at St. Paul’s is to see every person and community flourish through the saving, healing and restoring love and power of Jesus.
Our Vision
At St. Paul’s Church, we recognise that we are all broken human beings. We are all works in the procress of transformation. We understand that it is only in the presence of God that we are changed and, if we are to change the world, we first need to be changed. Encountering the risen Jesus in our individual and corporate lives must be the starting point for all mission and ministry.
The Biblical mandate to make disciples is at the centre of transformation. Jesus’ desire is for humans to flourish or ‘have life to the full’ (John 10:10b). We recognise that this is ultimately only possible through accepting Jesus as Saviour and following Him. Making disciples begins with connecting with not-yet believers and continues throughout our lives as we each grow in faith and love.
Jesus’ essential teaching was ushering in the Kingdom of God. This is nothing short of a transformation of everything, from ‘what it is’ into ‘what it was created to be’. We understand human history flowing to the point where Jesus returns and renews everything. Until then, we, as His followers, pray and act to see His kingdom come ‘on earth as in heaven.’
Our Values
Our values give expression to the ‘how’ of our vision. We’re not the finished article yet, but we’re getting there!
The values spell grace, because grace underpins Jesus’ mission to us and thus our mission to the world, including each other.
We aim to reflect the abundant, overwhelming generosity of God in the communities we inhabit.
We aim to be honest about life, how we live it and our need for Jesus.
We try to take away anything that gets in the way of Jesus, especially in the way we invite and welcome those unfamiliar with church.
We want to form deep connections with each other, with our communities and most of all with Jesus.
We are empowered by the Holy Spirit, to be and do all that we are created for.