Welcome to St Paul’s Kids
We are blessed with a large number of children in the St. Paul’s family and we are passionate about ensuring that they are valued and integrated fully into church life. We know that parents already do so much to support their children’s spiritual journeys and we have a great team of wonderful volunteers who want to come alongside you and your family to support your child’s relationship with Jesus.
Every Sunday the first section of our worship includes a moment where we connect with God and His promises as a whole community in an interactive way. The children then proceed to their groups according to age and stage, where we continue the amazing work that parents and carers already do in sharing Jesus. See below for more details.
St. Paul’s Minis is our group for children aged from 18 months to four years old. Children can join the Minis when they can sit on a chair unaided and walk confidently. In St. Paul’s Minis, we love to build on the ways that families are sharing Jesus in their daily lives. We immerse ourselves in Bible Stories through play and conversation alongside our friends. Drink and snack is provided.
Babies are welcome in the gathering, however we encourage all parents to use groups. Before your baby is 18 months old, there are options to ensure babies and parents are comfortable. Our soundproof ‘baby room’ can be found in the back right corner of the adults space with armchairs for feeding, a changing station and toys, and it has speakers which feed in whatever is happening in the gathering to the room.
We usually ask parents of babies under a year old not to go into Minis as the space is limited, however there is the possibility that 1 parent may take a 12-18 month old into Minis depending on capacity. Please contact the team to see if this is possible.
St. Paul’s Kids is our group for children aged 4-10 years, Reception to Year 5. Children join Kids in their second term of Reception so that they can settle into school first. In St. Paul’s Kids, we continue the brilliant ways that families connect with Jesus through:
Hearing Bible stories and personal stories from different people
Worshipping God with music
Wondering & chatting about stories and how we can live them out
Making things together and playing
We don’t currently have a Children’s Pastor on our staff team at St Paul’s, but we have an amazing volunteer team who are serving our kids! Roger, our vicar, would love to hear from you below if you have any questions about our Children’s Ministry.