Mission Partners
Abound supports the projects of 'Christian Endeavour Hostel' (CEH) in Balangir and Diptipur in the Odisha state of India.
Many people living in this rural region experience severe poverty and minimal access to schooling. CEH provides education and support for children and their families through their hostels which offer a safe, healthy place to live and learn during term time. They work with children aged 9 to 18 years old, and have already provided support for over 1000 individuals.
Alongside this, the children also engage in personal development to aquire other skills for making meaningful decisions in life. Finally, the hostels provide faith support through daily devotionals and involvement in church communities.
The vision of CEH is for their work to have a lasting impact in allowing the next generations to break through the poverty cycle; seeing every child in the project reach their full potential.
Rapha Medica Project
Rapha Medical Outreach, located in North-East Nigeria, is run by Dr. Paul and Mary Ushie; fully qualified medical professionals who have given up their respective careers as Surgeon and Senior Nurse and Midwife to head up this ministry.
Working from their base with the help of a small team, they take the good news of the Gospel alongside providing essential basic, routine and critical life saving medical care for the various tribes and religious groups who dwell on the Mambilla Plateau. They regularly embark on outreach to remote villages to give medical assessments, diagnosis and treatment to those who are unable to travel the distances to receive such care themselves.
In addition, they provide health education, midwifery training, antenatal and postnatal care and ensure newly converted Christians receive the support they need to grow deeper in their faith.
Development Aid Nepal
Development Aid Nepal exists to provide sponsorship and financial assistance to fund schooling for young people from Nepalese mountain villages who would not otherwise have access to higher education. Funding their educational needs is crucial so that they can qualify in various professions and provide financial support to their families back in the villages. The charity was founded by Dhan Lama; previously a member of St. Paul’s along with his wife, Sarita, and their children, Sue, Grace and Joshua.
Dhan and other Christian members of the community are also heavily involved in their growing Church communities, providing support and encouragement to many new Christians.